Solar Pool Heating Contractor

Professional Installation available in South Florida and The Bahamas

Why Use Solar to Heat Your Pool

Be Comfortable All Year Round!

Pool heating in South Florida and The Bahamas is definitely not unnecessary especially pools are in shade. Believe it or not we only have 5 good months (that last from May to September) of warm comfortable water per year to swim in. The following 7 months out of the year, from October to April, your pool is 65 to 75 degrees. Not too comfortable at all!

If properly sized, in conjunction with your equipment, your solar pool heating system can extend you good months of warm comfortable swimming to 10 months for free! By adding a pool blanket you can maintain a comfortable 82 to 85 degrees, even in the coldest months out of the year!

Solar Versus Electric & Gas. The most costly way to heat your pool is gas, especially liquid propane. Natural gas is less, but still expensive. One advantage to gas is that it heats faster than any heater. What could take the day to achieve with electric and solar could take hours to achieve with gas, but at a cost

Sizing a Solar Pool System

Professional sizing done right the first time!

Your collector's square footage should equal to your pool's surface square footage. On panels placed on a South facing roof 75% of the square footage is enough according to the Florida Solar Energy Center.

An average sized pool 14' x 28', or 15' x 30', depending on how deep it is, should hold between 11,000 to 16,000 gallons of water. Your pool equipment should filtrate the water in 6 to 8 hours for the best possible performance with any heating system, in this case, specifically, your solar pool heater.

We avoid over sizing or under sizing a pool heating system by following the Florida Solar Energy Center specifications ensuring your solar pool heating system functions at an optimum level.

How Solar Pool Heater Works

Use The Sun's Power

Solar pool heating works by slowly passing the water through the solar panels. Cold pool water goes into the panels and comes out of the panels at a warmer temperature. Your existing pool's pump passes the water through the panels.

Most solar pool heaters come with a thermostat that tells the system when the sun is warm enough to heat the pool. The solar pool heating system work automatically because there is a sensor between the pump and filter telling the controller what the actual pool temperature is and if heat is available on the roof.

This type of system is named a Differential Controlled System, and it is what we recommend because it optimizes function, so it won't send the water to the panels if there is no solar heat available. It's also great for busy clients since you can "Set It and Forget It".

There are two attractive points about purchasing a solar hot water system. The first is that you pay for a system once and heat your pool for free indefinitely. The second point is you get to enjoy a heated pool with no negative environmental impact, and without increasing home's carbon footprint.

Saving With Solar Hot Water

Solar installation approval denials by associations without legal grounds, is addressed in the Florida Solar Rights Act. This act empowers all South Florida citizens to take advantage of the benefits of solar power.

Download a PDF of The Florida Solar Act


Pentair High Efficiency, Variable Speed Pool Pump 1.5HP

$1,200.00* Installed

*replacing existing pump